
Archive for September, 2008

Its a girl!!

Doing the morning chores is alway enjoyable when you find a new calf in the hay pile.  It is especially enjoyable when they are heifers!  Yes, another calf and its a girl…so cute.  I will take some photos when it gets a little lighter out.  The refrigeration dude is suppose to show up either Thursday or Friday to hook up our bulk tank.  I will be milking in cans however until that is set up and and ready to use.  Things need to happen pretty quickly around here as winter is coming AND there are another 38 heifers due starting next week!!

In my spare time, what and when ever thay maybe, I keep plugging away at the slippers I am knitting.  This knitting time is usually between 11 and 1 in the morning before bed.  Imagine my dismay last night when I had one almost completed and I was way off on the pattern, I was not ending at the heel, I was ending mid foot opposite the heel…must be a pattern error, it could not possibly be my error.  Oh but wait, knittng while tired, not good idea for me….it was my error and to try to find the error after removing all stitch markers…oh not cool.  After a good nights sleep, yes 5 hours I was back up at 6), and a hot cup of coffee, I found my error, and am back to knitting.  I am determined to get this slipper back to at least the almost finished point I was as last night, if not finished today so I can start the other.  Then we will see how the felting and end results turn out.

My kids think I am knitting slippers for big foot!!!!

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It seems that lately my life has been filled with more what knots than knits and I am failing at my blog!!! 

Lets see where do I start, it has been a month since I have been here but it sure does not seem like it.

Garden has kicked my butt this year, its amazing what good ground and a little “poop soup” will do for a garden!  I have canned 72 quarts of beans, we have eaten beans, given away beans and they need to be picked again.  Zuchinni, both green and yellow coming out of places squash don’t belong and I have more spaghetti squash the the produce dealer.  Pumpkins are getting big and are orange. Oh and the tomato plants need to have stakes for the stakes, they are falling over.  I never thought I would have got such a great harvest when I planted it on June 19th.  I figured if I got one picking of beans I would be doing good.


School started on the second and the kids are doing well with their new school.  Josh is playing football again and Jessica is on the Cross Country team.  They both have made many new friends and all is well.  Jessica is signed up for Girl Scouts and she is going to give 4-H a try. 

We have had a new baby llama since I was here last.  Finally it was a girl, Jessica named it Fawn, because that is what it looked like.

And that brings me to the cows.  Getting the milking system is slow going, but the  push is on as we have calfs dropping.  We have one heifer calf named Norma (its a City Slickers, thing), and one named “Beef” (its a bull and will go off to market eventually). Norma is a stylish little thing as you can see in the photo!


So that about sums up the “what knots” now for the knits….

I have been working on a pair of socks off and on in what little spare time I have.  Last night I started a pair of slippers that I hope to have finished for Brian for Christmas.  They will be felted and I am sure he will enjoy them.  He is a wonderul husband, and is very supportive and appreciative of all I do.  I could not ask for more!

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